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About Us

Progress Solutions was born from a commitment to excellence. It came to be after years of both participating in and studying the natural, human tendencies to procrastinate and delay the joy of achieving our goals and dreams. Over 30 years of business experience, study and successful outcomes (and some huge fails!)have accumulated in the development of our signature system that form the foundation of our impact focused coaching program

At progressive solutions we believe in the journey, we believe in making every moment count and celebrating those moments, whether its ticking one item off your to do list, planning a family reunion or completing a self-paced course you bought and tucked away 6 months ago. Each step we take in the right direction brings us one step closer to not only fulfilling that dream/goal but developing an unstoppable belief in ourselves and what we can achieve.

About Suzanne

I have always had a passion for business and more specifically the marketing aspects of businesses, even when I was young my Dad used to joke that I must have got my interest in business from my Grandad because him and Mum had no idea about it! I just loved it. I loved the processes, the results and the psychology behind sales and marketing.

Although I was raised in a family that counted academia as the Holy Grail, I just couldn’t conform and struggled with the traditional ‘get a degree, get a job and stay put until you retire’ model.

By the time I was in my early 20s I was part of an amazing team heading up the sales training division of one of the largest weight loss companies in the world and helping them with their launch into Australia. I was fascinated by the difference between the successful members of my team vs the not so successful ones. Even back then, in an industry that left a lot to be desired, I could see the difference between selling with integrity and ‘get the sale no matter what’.

The members of my teams that genuinely cared for their clients and really knew what their big motivators were, had much higher conversions. They were also the ones that would stop by the weight loss councilor’s offices when they saw one of their clients in for their weekly menu plans and weigh-ins to check on how the son was going in his new job, or how the new babies sleep routine was coming on… They genuinely cared and got to know their clients dreams and values and funnily enough those were the clients that stayed the longest and actually achieved their outcomes!

This became a lifelong passion of mine, I even moved to the United States, toddler in tow for 12 months to participate in a master’s program in order to feed my fascination with the human ability to do or accomplish something beyond expectations or limiting beliefs (especially as it relates to business and entrepreneurship)

And slowly over the years, as I studied and practiced and observed experts, I came to recognise what I was actually witnessing was, these experts, by living their passion, being totally aligned to their deeper purpose and being able to connect with people from that place, was what truly helped them reach their dreams and inspire other to do the same.

These days I am a passionate student of human potential and its ability to be completely remarkable. And I am proud to be the co-founder and CEO of Progressive Solutions Coaching Academy and The Marketing Genius Society and share a lifetime of study and experience with you.